We are a team of psychotherapists who are trained and skilled in a variety of modern and classic therapeutic techniques but we are mainly focused on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. We provide psychotherapeutic sessions on a regular basis for patients dealing with difficulties such as depression, anxiety, compulsion, eating disorders, trauma and challenging life transitions. Our team is qualified for Individual and Group Therapy as well as Couples Therapy and Business Counseling. Due to our broad network of different psychosomatic and psychiatric institutions and medical services in Munich we can guarantee a global medical and psychological treatment for our patients.


Though it can be difficult to deal with starting psychotherapy, we provide you with our professional support in communicating with health care institutions. With our professional expertise we can complete the essential tasks to getting started and support you in receiving funding through your health care plan.


If you have any questions about our practice and how to schedule an appointment don’t hesitate to contact us. You can call us directly at 089 / 5390 6385-0 between 10am and 4pm during workdays (Friday until 12pm) or email us at We always try to schedule the best suitable appointment for you. Our practice is located in the center of Munich alongside the Karlsplatz (Stachus) and you can visit us easily by taking the Munich public transportation system (metro, S-Bahn, bus and tram).



Our work is based on the modern, science-based integrative treatment approach of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other validated therapeutic concepts. We believe that a strong therapeutic relationship is the key to real change. Your personal growth and health is our priority. Therefore, we are dedicated to helping our clients develop a long-lasting, healthy and satisfying lifestyle through modern concepts and solutions. We would be pleased to support you in this process and work together to create your personalized program.


Our work is grounded on high national and international health standards. Every psychotherapist in our practice possesses a legal title that allows them to work as psychotherapist ("Psychologischer Psychotherapeut") and to treat patients with different approved concepts of psychotherapy. We want to provide the highest quality therapeutic support for you, and for this reason we are dedicated to constantly developing ourselves academically to guarantee high therapy standards for all of our patients.


Our psychotherapists incorporate a broad range of therapeutic approaches into our practice so that we can provide a safe, supportive environment in which clients can explore their personal issues and worries. To accommodate these, we try to provide a professional treatment for every kind of individual need. Using our experience and professional knowledge of the best therapeutic tools available, we compose an individualized approach to each and every client. Our goal is to meet each person’s needs while supporting their existing strengths and resources.



Psychotherapy is defined as the treatment of psychological disorders by utilizing psychological therapeutic concepts and methods. Psychotherapy is often combined with medical treatments, but its effects are measured independently from the medical treatment. It is highly recommended to seek professional help when facing a crisis or a psychological or physical illness.


The therapeutic concepts in our practice are well-researched methods endorsed by many doctors and professionals in this field. Every psychotherapist in our practice has a different therapeutic background which enables us to provide therapeutic support for the following psychological problems:

  • burn-out
  • depression
  • anxiety disorders
  • compulsive disorders
  • eating disorders
  • post traumatic stress disorders
  • dissociative disorders
  • personality disorders
  • psychosomatic disorders
  • pain
  • heart diseases
  • cancer and palliative medicine
  • etc.


Therapeutic support for patients with urgent psychosis or addictions isn't available in our practice. Patients who suffer from substance related addiction can be treated following a withdrawal treatment in a medical institution. Unfortunately, therapeutic treatment for patients with urgent suicidal crises isn't possible in our practice.


We provide psychotherapy treatment in our practice using the following methods and concepts:

  • programs for meditation and relaxation (PMR)
  • mindfulness-based therapy
  • behavioral therapy
  • hypnosis
  • EMDR
  • acceptance and commitment therapy
  • schema therapy


With the help of a professional couples therapist, old patterns in a relationship can be recognized and new, more effective ways to speak and listen to each other can be implemented. The purpose of couples therapy is to build a strong, honest, and sustainable relationship that is mutually supportive. With the help of an active and constructive trainer, conflicts can be managed and the communication between partners can be improved.

Couples Therapy is highly recommended if couples don't share common interests or don't trust each other anymore. Furthermore, an urgent crisis such as a possible split or cheating can be important reasons to start couples therapy.


Unfortunately, we are not able to offer group therapy in English at this time.


Every individual has different aspirations and faces different challenges at their workplace. Therefore, a professional psychological consultation can be helpful to establish a more effective organization or structure to deal with stress, high workloads or high accountability at work. With the assistance of a professional coach, individual plans and solutions can be created to establish a healthier, balanced and more satisfying work life.


Usually private health care institutions and subsidy institutions cover the costs for psychotherapeutic sessions. For the approval we support you with our expertise to receive funding from health care institutions.

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